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Rosa Carrillo, MSOD
Rosa Antonia Carrillo, MSOD Keynote Speaker and Consultant
Rosa Carrillo is an author of the recently released book,The Relationship Factor in Safety Leadership.It has received global acclaim from thought leaders who have transformed the way we look at safety performance and the role of the safety professional.
Todd Conklin calls it, “A book whose time has come.”
Edgar Schein, safety culture expert, says, “The Relationship Factor in Safety Leadership shows how open communication, trust, psychological safety, all hinge on the personal relationships which are critical in all the high hazard industries. This book should be the foundation of the training of all safety workers, managers, and leaders.
Rosa will inspire and re-energize both safety professionals and operational leaders to embrace the pursuit of full employee engagement through relationship building. She will break down the barriers and isolation that often frustrate dedicated professionals. At the core of her book are eight beliefs about human nature that are common to leaders who successfully communicate that safety is important while meeting business results. Using stories to illustrate what successful leaders do, she explains how to create and recover important stakeholder relationships by taking action based on these beliefs. It turns out that a leader’s ability to create relationships is an important key to their success.
Her work is based on hands on experience. She has worked many change efforts in oil and gas, pharmaceutical, nuclear, mining, manufacturing and power generation in multiple countries. She has inspired audiences to “never give up their vision” as keynote speaker in countries as diverse as Bahrain, Australia, Mexico and the United States.
While managers expect employees to speak up to prevent failures and disasters, they will not unless they feel valued and respected. Using research gathered from 100’s of employees and managers, Ms. Carrillo will share the leadership actions that create trust and the ones that destroy it. Her research shows that people must feel included to trust management.
She is known for her authenticity, which enables her to teach and speak in a way that relates to real life experience. Through face-to-face presentations and conversation, Rosa inspires physical, relational and spiritual development. She has learned that the leadership journey entails continuous personal growth and always requires more work than we realize.
Rosa graduated from UCLA with a bachelors and Pepperdine University with a Masters in Organizational Development. Subsequently she started her safety leadership consulting practice in Los Angeles, California and became part of the adjunct faculty at the Presidential Key Executive MBA Program for Pepperdine.
Rosa Carrillo may be reached at: (562) 596-8537 or rosa@carrilloconsultants.com

Neil Samuels, MSOD
Neil’s mission is helping leaders flourish by re-discovering their strengths, clarifying their commitments, and creating successful teams that share a common purpose. Having devoted 27 years of his career at BP/Amoco as a geologist and internal organizational development and leadership consultant, he has turned his considerable insight to helping companies develop high performance environmental, safety and health cultures.
He believes that the quality of relationships contributes heavily to performance and that they are strengthened by conversations characterized by openness, depth and intensity. This is the path to successful, lasting change. His clients value his integrity, passion, and ability to magnify their strengths. His consulting philosophy can be succinctly summarized in two words, “Strengths” and “Accountability.”
Neil worked in London for four years as manager of organization development for BP Europe, leading a team of consultants serving 30,000 employees in 13 countries. During that time, Neil supported senior leaders in every business segment.
Since 2006 he has started his own company, Profound Conversations. His clients have included Rolls Royce, Glaxo Smith Kline, Celebrity Cruise Lines, BP, Stantec Engineering, U.S. Geological Survey, International Fluid Power Society, Kimberly Clark, the Naperville Community School District, and Aviva Investors. Neil also served as adjunct faculty at Pepperdine University’s Graziadio School of Business and Management.

Robert E Gilbert, PE
Founder and Principal, Pisgah Advantage Consulting LLC – Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) & Resource Management Advisory Consulting
Rob Gilbert retired from Cargill in January 2017 and along with his wife Cindy of 38 years founded Pisgah Advantage Consulting LLC to channel their diverse experience toward projects that improve life and the environment through collaborative environmental, health, safety and resource management.
His career spans nearly 37 years, always focused on Environmental, Safety and Health in plant, regional, global or corporate environments and in the petroleum, metal/non-metal mining, chemicals and high-tech manufacturing industries. Rob’s experience from and more importantly his contributions to a variety of companies in these sectors have provided him a unique perspective combining the EHS disciplines across OSHA and MSHA regulated environments in the US and across multiple international geographies including the Americas, Europe and Asia Pacific. Rob enjoyed successful careers at Pennzoil Company/Duvall Corp (Petroleum, Refining and Metal/Non-Metal Mining), Ampex Recording Media Corp (Professional Magnetic Recording Media Manufacturing), Borden Chemicals & Plastics OLP (World Class Commodity & Specialty Chemicals Production), IMERYS and predecessor English China Clays International (global white mineral mining and processing) and Cargill (underground and solution salt mining, solar salt production and manufacturing).
Ensuring the safety of all, compliance and continual improvement in EHS across these geographies and companies entailed many cultures and diversity of views, so solutions had to be creative and employee/contractor centric. Rob has a passion for doing things differently and has embraced human and organizational performance (HOP) and relationship building approaches to not just change how to work more safely but also how to operate more environmentally soundly. In the end, people do things in a manner that makes sense to them at the time they do them but perhaps with an undesirable outcome. Rob believes organizations and its people together can make a huge difference with by eliminating traditional blame focused on the employee, by the right leadership tools, with positive attitudes and most importantly with growing and supportive relationships.
Rob has observed the positive impact from HOP deployment, organizations recognizing and averting traditional production over safety mannerisms, whether direct or indirect, and proactively valuing its employees and their input. When applied throughout all levels of an operating site and consistently across an organization, the stage is set for establishing or re-establishing trust and thereby building or rebuilding relationships which in turn results in fewer SIFs and other injuries. A natural collateral benefit of HOP deployment and better relationships in the work force is taking these principles home and improving off the job and community safety. Site leadership leveraging and sharing these concepts within their community, particularly with employee support, can in Rob’s view lead to better operating rapport and company impressions with nearby citizens. Time is the true test, but the effort has been worthwhile in Rob’s experience.
Rob graduated from North Carolina State University with a BS degree in Civil Engineering with emphasis in geotechnical and water resources engineering and has a Masters of Engineering degree in Environmental Systems Engineering from Clemson University.

Jeff Lyth
Since beginning his career in safety over 25 years ago, Jeff Lyth has become recognized as an expert and innovator in workplace safety and leadership. His current work is entirely in the leadership development/safety differently space, assisting a variety of organizations and safety departments to move beyond conventional views of health and safety and to break through the performance plateaus associated with those views.
His focus is on ‘productive safety’ and building capacity for operational resilience.
Born and living in Canada, he obtained his Canadian Registered Safety Professional (CRSP) and Certified Health and Safety Consultant (CHSC) designations and spent seven successful years as Director of Corporate Health and Safety for a large construction company in the Pacific Northwest. During the early part of his career, he also enjoyed working in emergency response and was a Paramedic, Lifeguard, and Ski Patroller in his spare time.
Jeff has represented the Canadian Construction Association (CCA) on the Current Issues Committee for Health Canada’s intergovernmental Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System transition to the Globally Harmonized System (GHS), and was also accepted by the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development as a Canadian Construction Occupational Health and Safety Specialist to the Canada/China Migrant Labour Occupational Health and Safety project and participated in two missions to central China.
Jeff joined the provincial safety association as Senior Safety Advisor to British Columbia’s construction sector in 2012, a move which allowed him to focus on integrating and applying the ideas and philosophies of the global ‘safety differently’ movement.

Suzanne Otis, MSOD, MBA
Suzane is a highly capable management consultant with over twenty-five years of experience as both a business manager and as a consultant to senior executives in both the private and public sectors. She is fluent in French and English. She brings her clients a strong track-record of results in addressing such complex issues as managing change, improving effectiveness of teams and organizations, and building capability of leaders. Highlights include:
Senior Management: Marketing and Strategy: Inter City Papers LTD ($350M – Canada’s largest paper distributor)
- Proven ability to deliver culture change projects within a wide variety of industries, including software, defense, private sector, government, non -profit, international development
- Extensive experience in leading an organization’s employees through successful adoption of culture change by effectively communicating vision, enrolling them in benefits of new approach, ensuring sufficient surfacing and addressing of issues, and in preparation for the incoming work/systems processes and architectural restructuring
- Strong business background resulting from track record of success in operations and leadership roles
- Exceptional capability to build strong client relationships at all levels
World Bank Group (WBG):
- As a staff in the World Bank Group, then later as a Senior Consultant in her own practice, led a diversity of organization effectiveness efforts within the Bank and with World Bank Group country clients. Specialized in Culture Change and in Change Adoption, delivered implementation of Country Strategies within WB determined Regions (Africa, Latin America, Middle East, and South and East Asia), supported internal reorganizations of World Bank structure, fostered improvement of WBG client teams’ performance effectiveness in the field as well as the adoption of a culture of collaboration and collective work methodologies with various multi-disciplinary project teams. Led various Change Management initiatives supporting installation of various WBG software systems and work processes
Accenture/Andersen Consulting: CHANGE AND BUSINESS Consulting / USA:
- Transferred as an international consulting manager to the firm’s American Head Office to assist in launching a culture change practice for the global firm. Successfully managed Change Management consulting efforts for a number of software implementations. Following success of this endeavor, was asked to join US practice, and subsequently obtained permanent USA resident status
Accenture/Andersen Consulting: CHANGE AND BUSINESS Consulting / Canada:
Change Adoption manager assigned to restructuring of Human Resources Department of New Brunswick Government. In support of this major software implementation, undertook the role of senior change management leader responsible for programs on Leadership Development, Performance Management System design, and staff Re-Skilling & Training Program

Marilyn Stanton B. Ed., MSOD, ICF (PCC)
For over 20 years, Marilyn has had an appreciative and integral approach to coaching and facilitation of global leaders and teams on helping them reach their full potential. She has lived and consulted in Southern Africa, the Middle East, Australia, Canada and the United States with an additional global span of consulting projects and clients in Europe, Latin/South America, and Asia. She has partnered with worldwide clients across a broad spectrum of organizations and sectors: manufacturing, oil &gas, automotive, fast moving consumer goods, apparel, financial services, central banking, life sciences/biotech international development, higher education, and high tech. Functional experience includes Supply Chain, HES, Process Safety, Major Capital Projects, Operations, Production, Engineering, IT, Audit, HR, Procurement, Marketing, R&D, Shared Services, and Finance.
Her capability comes from a deep understanding of integral coaching or looking at the whole person- head, heart, body, understanding priority values, and building trusting relationships to ultimately achieve intended results and an astute comprehension of the pragmatics of organization life through her years of consulting. This was gained from working both in the private and public sectors across many cultures, sectors, and functions including the seminal experience of managing rural development programs in Africa during a civil war and the greenfield start of a college in the Arabian Gulf. Her academic background of Organization Development (MSOD, Pepperdine) and Education degree from University of Calgary, her Applied Behavioral Science training, the 2000 plus integral and co-active coaching hours, along with her Appreciative Inquiry, Values Alignment, Cohesive Teams, Trust Based Teaming, Operational Excellence certification and Incident and Injury Free (IIF) experience in personal and process safety programs, further supports her ability to successfully support clients.
When the stakes are high for new or veteran leadership teams, leaders, a troubled team, or during a complex organizational change, Marilyn brings to the table thoughtful, strategic, seasoned facilitation and coaching. She focuses on supporting teams and individuals to build strong relationships through trust, productive conflict, commitment, and accountability that lay the foundation for breakthroughs in how work gets done in the world.
Marilyn is known by her clients as an intuitive, authentic, grounded partner who encourages them to be curious as she challenges them to create new perspectives on their established beliefs. Marilyn partners with clients on their journey to sustainable growth and strategic change through using appreciative inquiry or strengths based, priority values and trust focused, client-centered approach. She co-creates possibilities for individuals and teams to realize their potential, and to make mindful choices for the overall health and safety of themselves and of their organizations. Her culture change & team development work builds productive and safe workplaces one relationship at a time.

Kelly Bernish
Kelly Bernish, CSP, accomplished and excellence-driven leader with a varied, highly engaged professional and volunteer career spanning more than 25 years including leading teams for the Disney, SeaWorld and Anheuser-Busch Companies, founding member and Past Chairperson of Women in Safety Engineering (WISE), as well as launching her own company, Global SHE Solutions, LLC.
Bernish’s career experience includes her current role as President of Global SHE Solutions, providing Safety, Health, Environmental and Risk Management solutions to clients in pursuit of SH&E excellence serving clients including municipalities, small and large businesses, theme park related industries as well as heavy industry. Her decades of senior management leadership experience for The SeaWorld Parks, Anheuser-Busch and Walt Disney World Parks & Resorts in roles including Safety, Health and Environmental Compliance, leadership and injury prevention, as well as Workers Compensation, General Liability and Risk Management give her a unique skill set to offer Global SHE Solutions clients.

Terry Musch
Terry heads the coaching team at Pacific Gas & Electric in San Luis Obispo coaching leadership at Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant and other facilities. This effort is focusing on cultural transformation at every level of the organization. Terry graduated from the University of Washington, has done graduate work at UCLA in Systems Analysis, and worked closely with W.E. Deming and Bill Conway in implementing TQM, Re-engineering, and Lean+ at a large Southern California aerospace company.